Web resource to address questions and needs for modelling.

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Partners: Back to INDEX

Current leader:
    Editor to define questions with the right partner.
     Web master (temporary)
     Blog master (temporary)
     Software installation (temporary)
     Documentation of possible solutions (temporary)

Team of people/companies/research institutes to address questions:
     Editor to define questions to be placed on the website - related to electrochemistry, to corrosion, to phase field modelling or generally to Comsol Multiphysics
     Define simple tests to validate the simulations.
     Receiving emails to decide the interest on the question as user or developer.
     Editor to define questions to be placed on the website - related to coupled analysis transient flow with hyperelastic large deformation
     Define simple tests to validate the simulations.
     Receiving emails to decide the interest on the question as user or developer.
     Editor to define questions to be placed on the website - related to casting
     Receiving emails to decide the interest on the question as user or developer.

Follow the group on LinkeIn https://www.linkedin.com/groups/Modelbench-7487737

In order to contribute to community you should request a password for our Wiki https://publicwiki-01.fraunhofer.de/EMM-hub/

Youtube reproduction list of Modelbench videos

Presentation: Back to INDEX

Welcome to this small website designed as a starting point for a major project to address questions and needs for modelling.
This website is obviously not a competitor to NAFEMS

If this idea is working within the comunity we can create users for discussion in a blog such as https://www.linkedin.com/groups/Modelbench-7487737.

The idea of this website is to collect needs of simulation from companies and research institutes in order to find:
- There is a solution in the market.
- There is a possibility to modify exsiting equations in a simulation software to include the new requirements.
- There is not solution and there are people interested in developing a tool to model the new requirements.

This last situation would lead to the creation of a consortium to be addressed to the corresponding authorities with a good justification describing the needs of our community to develop such tool.

The way I suggest we do this work:
- Step 1: Question is addressed to leader of MODELBENCH using the blog https://www.linkedin.com/groups/Modelbench-7487737
- Step 2: Question is discussed to make a public document where the question is clear to avoid simullations that do not fullfill the requirements
     • Geometry
     • Material properties within the range of constitutive equations (example Young's modulus and Poisson for linear elastic simulations but also plasticity curves for non linear analysis)
     • Define as well as possible all sort of conditions that might lead to the problem (example need for submodelling remeshing with large mesh of 1mm and local mesh o 1e-6mm=1nm). Obviously document could compare results to theory and/or experiments. Obviously there is not need to define the curve of my secret material to know that some simulation does the job.
- Step 3: Once the document is defined between leader and requester the question is addressed to the modelling comunity searching for solutions. So far we do that with just our contacts and we end up doing simulations with the wrong software and wasting lots of time when there might be an answer around the corner.
- Step 4: Document the answers in a table for the users to decide how to work depending on:
     • Accomplishement of modelling objectives.
     • Availability of the software.
     • Easy to use
     • Time to solve the problem on a common CPU
     • Time to solve the problem on the best parallelisation CPU
     • Easy to install and run

My idea is to use this small website to define as well as possible the way to work on it before we make a most serious prposal to EU commission to finance for example:
     • Server to place questions and solve equations
     • Team of people to get the database updated

I think we are all going to benefit from such a tool as we all get questions from time to time to model something we do not really know or even sometimes just because is not of our interest. By placing the questions on this database I think we can
     • Share work around that right now is done by trial and error and improve EU products.
     • Improve or increase the sollutions portfolio of an existing software company.
     • Create new companies to develop new models.

Next steps:
     • First May 2014: Last day to receive proposals for activities towards MODELBENCH.
     • First July 2014: Define the team to EU with activities and timing.

Unanswered questions: Back to INDEX

- Question 1404091200-artery-damping.pdf:
Can we simullate damping of arterial flow due to hyperelastic-viscoleastic deformation of artery?
Use this 1404091200-artery-damping.pdf to read more details about this simulation.
Software Report Video Accomplishement of modelling objectives. Availability of the software. Easy to use. Time to solve the problem on a common CPU Time to solve the problem on the best parallelisation CPU Easy to install and run

- Question 1404091210-sintering-power:
Can we simullate the final properties of sintered powder parts?
Use this 1404091210-sintering-power.pdf to read more details about this simulation.
Software Report Video Accomplishement of modelling objectives. Availability of the software. Easy to use. Time to solve the problem on a common CPU Time to solve the problem on the best parallelisation CPU Easy to install and run

- Question 1404022233-bottle-buckling.pdf:
Can we simullate the collapse by buckling of a bottle when is full of liquid and air and closed. Experiments showed that incompressibility of liquid and compressibility of air stabilised the buckling section of the bottle?
Use this 1404022233-bottle-buckling.pdf to read more details about this simulation.
Software Report Video Accomplishement of modelling objectives. Availability of the software. Easy to use. Time to solve the problem on a common CPU Time to solve the problem on the best parallelisation CPU Easy to install and run

Answered questions: Back to INDEX

- Question 1403181130-filling-mesh:
Can we simullate plastic injection or die mould casting with a large mesh of 1mm and define a local meshof 1nm without deforming the flow pattern.
Use this 1403181530-filling-mesh.pdf to read more details about this simulation.
Software Report Video Accomplishement of modelling objectives. Availability of the software. Easy to use. Time to solve the problem on a common CPU Time to solve the problem on the best parallelisation CPU Easy to install and run
SolidWorks Plastics 1403181530-filling-mesh-SolidWorks.pdf http://youtu.be/KbwTois3HQI and http://youtu.be/PpwQX-jcgyk 0/10 IQS edu license. 9/10 180 seconds Not necessary 9/10
Clicktocast 1403181530-filling-mesh-Clicktocast.pdf http://youtu.be/AZFUqms2udk 0/10 IQS edu license. 9/10 1200 seconds Not performed 9/10
Vulcan 1403181530-filling-mesh-Vulcan.pdf http://youtu.be/FOzrQpWWbxo and http://youtu.be/hv90hEr3SpA and http://youtu.be/Dj-9nRBLXyg 8/10 IQS edu license. 3/10 1200/2100/ seconds Not performed 7/10

- Question 1403181000-tension:
Can we simullate a pure tension of a rectangular bar to check stress, energy, displacement, poisson, and reaction forces?
Use this 1403181000-tension.pdf to read more details about this simulation.
Software Report Video Accomplishement of modelling objectives. Availability of the software. Easy to use. Time to solve the problem on a common CPU Time to solve the problem on the best parallelisation CPU Easy to install and run
Catia 1403181000-Catia.pdf http://youtu.be/8H9lp9DKgIE and http://youtu.be/ccuify1ZI88 8/10 Forces on corners not properly set by weight functions. IQS edu license. 7/10 0.01 seconds Not necessary 9/10
SolidWorks 1403181000-SolidWorks.pdf http://youtu.be/aGmobYkzFlM 10/10 IQS edu license. 9/10 0.01 seconds Not necessary 9/10

Contact: Back to INDEX

For any queries do not hesitate to contact:
Andres-Amador Garcia-Granada:
Via Augusta 390, 08017 Barcelona, Spain
Tel.: +34 932 672 083 / Tel.Cen.: +34 932 672 000 -ext.283
Fax: +34 932 056 266
Click here for a complete list of Andres-Amador Garcia-Granada Publications.